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Born in Liverpool during the mid sixties, Edward J Kelly spent his formative years in the leafy suburbs of South Liverpool. He attended Quarry Bank School - of John Lennon fame - and went on to study furniture design and manufacturing at Liverpool City College.

After leaving the furniture industry, Edward embarked on a career in teaching - obtaining his degree at Liverpool John Moores University.

His interest in Ancient History, especially that connected to Biblical history and Ancient Egypt, began when he was a teenager. He remembers hearing about the Great Pyramid of Khufu and the Valley of the Kings and the adventures had by the early explorers of this land. This not only appealed to the imagination of his young mind but became a passion that has stayed with him throughout his adult life.

Edward's thirst for knowledge and information brought him into contact with many people from different backgrounds and countries. It was not long before he came to the conclusion that a common thread of esoteric knowledge and an almost universal belief system had been handed down to us from antiquity. There was a story waiting to be told...

The beginnings of this story is told in The Mdina Touch - the first book of a planned trilogy - where many real-life happenings are told through the adventures of the fictional character - Steve Parker.

Edward's desire is to challenge your current beliefs and open your mind to see the blatant clues as to what is really happening in the world today and who is pulling the strings of the men in power.


Interview with Edward J Kelly


I am currently seeking representation for my work. If you are a literary agent and wish to find out more about me or my work then please contact me.

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send a text message call


Advance signed copies of

available here -



Latest News...
November 2007

Edward J Kelly will be interviewed live on KVfm 87.7fm on
Tuesday 27th November -
Tune in for what promises to be a great show. He will be discussing his book, taste in music and anything else that comes up in conversation.

August 2007 Photographs online from
2007 trip to Malta

Visit - On Location - for album
July 2007

Bought a book?
Would you like it signed with an inscription?

Choose from the selection of Bookplates and Edward J Kelly will sign it for you and post it FREE of CHARGE

Bookplates LINK

2nd June 2007

Calling all budding documentary makers -
I'm looking to form a team for the production of a number of documentaries. If you are interested in similar topics to me and feel you could contribute to this fledgling team then get in touch.
More info at this link - documentary team

May 2007

Visit to Egypt
Have you ever dreamt of visiting Egypt?
Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity.
Egypt Holiday Link

5th April 2007

Advance SIGNED Copies of
are available for order here:

March 2007

Support for the Choudhury Family

Visit Egypt

In co-operation with MAX TRAVEL a London based Travel Agent and with my good friend Hany Halim in Egypt, who will provide his services and expertise as a guide, we have put together some fabulous holiday packages to Egypt.

This is an opportunity to visit places that are not normally listed on typical package-tour itineraries.

If you are a member of an organisation and would like to take a group to Egypt then contact us to discuss your requirements - there is a group leader's discount as well. To find out more click on the link below.

Egypt Holidays & Trips

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